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This Month’s Free Resource

Each month, I share a free resource to support your Japanese learning! For a collection of top free resources from JLPT N5 to N1, to assist you when Traveling, doing business or watching anime, check the box below.

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Don't know where to start?

Take a look into the Japanese Learning Outline. It features everything you need to know for starting out your Japanese Learning journey. From Topics on how to get Motivation on how to keep motivation. Also included are general guidelines on what to focus on when learning japanese and how long it will take you to get fluent.

Already know where to start?

There is a start in everything. In japanese language it is Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji. In depth explanations pared with exercise sheets to guarantee you will remember the Hiragana effortlessly.

Finished the Hiragana?

Good job on learning the Hiragana, but did you also learn the Katakana? In depth explanations pared with exercise sheets to guarantee you will remember the Katakana effortlessly.

Don't be that guy

A workbook intended to build a fundation for learning japanese. What are the connections between the different entities of "Kanji" "Vocabulary" "Grammar". How does Kanji form Vocabulary and what are the Fundamentals of grammar?

Want to avoid awkward experiences?

Learn the basic fundamentals of Japanese Culture. Why is it so important to take of your shoes before you enter a house, why do japanese people always hand over business cards with two hands. Learn the cultural fundamentals of Japan and how they shape everyday customs and etiquettes.

What if you fail to Pass the JLPT N5?

Want to be really sure, that everythig you learned for the JLPT is enough to pass. If you fail it costs you additional 75 Euro and another 6 months waiting time to pass it. Just pay half the test fee and really make sure you learned everything with this JLPT Mock Exam. Including a JLPT similar test structure

Still unsure? Check out my Youtube videos!